Case Upload

To upload a single case (i.e. all documents are related to one patient), press the ‘Submit Single Case’ button in the column on the left. A single case can have a few different source document files.

On the left half of the screen, select a business line from the available list and enter the name of the case. We recommend that you choose a name that will provide you the required context and which you will be able to search for in the case list using the search functionality.

You will be able to add a Reference Date. Choosing to add this date enables the Digital Abstract to present the date that was added as a decision date, showing impairments as ones that existed prior to the date of loss or that started after the date.

On the right half of the screen, drag or select the source document files of the case that you want to upload to the portal. Each case can include multiple files. Supported file formats include PDF, TIFF, PNG, and JPEG.
To start the upload process, press the "Submit Case" button.



Make sure to leave the page/tab open until the upload is complete.

To upload multiple cases at the same time, press the "Upload Bulk Cases" button in the column to the left.

On the left half of this screen, select a business line, and then drag the source document files or folders onto the right half of the screen. Remember, each file or folder will be associated with a new case.

Cases with multiple files should be prepared in advance and all the files related to the case should be placed in a single folder. The folder containing all the files can then be uploaded or dragged onto the screen.

You will be able to add a Reference Date for each of the cases placed in the right side of the screen.

To start the upload process, press the "Submit Cases" button. Please make sure to leave the page open until the upload is complete.



When uploading cases from your computer, please ensure that the cases are organized into folders, as file downloading is not supported.