What's New in v3.5

Impairements List

Improved look and feel for the Impairements List that includes:

  • Impairements listed on a more granular level - a birds-eye view while providing details - capturing the main essence of the case
  • Color coding:
    • Red - high severity
    • Blue - medium severity
    • Black - low severity
  • New button leading straight to the Impairments Rundown for a detailed view of each impairment.

Impairments Rundown

More succinct rundown with improved look and feel that includes:

  • High level impairments with relevant icon and color coding to note high, medium and low severity
  • Succinct view of each key impairment and its related finding
  • Citations that mention the impairment from the last 2 visits with the ability to view more, by clicking on "more findings" from the year of interest
  • Low severity impairments can be removed via configuration in the portal

Precise Jump

Following our users' feedback, we've been working hard to improve the "jumping" capability - clicking on the different clickable elements in the summary is now more accurate in leading directly to the item clicked on.