Normalization and Data Enrichment

DigitalOwl's technology allows the extracted findings to be normalized and enriched. During normalization, different wordings are mapped to relevant medical concepts, such as Myocardial Infarction (MI) and heart attack.
Once the concepts have been identified, DigitalOwl can then assign appropriate medical coding to them, such as ICD-10 or SNOMED codes. In addition, DigitalOwl enriches the data by adding different information, such as severity, relevant procedures, and other relevant information. A comprehensive understanding of the extracted medical concepts allows for a more informed decision-making process.


Severity levels have been assigned to over 50K identified items in the Medical Knowledge Base to date.  This is crucial for the summaries as it enables to identify important medical information only. We've recently added more clear definition of severity levels - see below for more details.

Please note that:

  • All severity levels should be used as a rough ball park estimation only and should not be considered as a definitive guide
  • These do not replace underwriting/claims expert judgment