KHI - Key Health Indicators

The Key Health Indicators can be accessed by either clicking any of the relevant blue boxes on the Key Health Indicators Dashboard in the Case Overview page or by clicking on the 'Key Health Indicators' bookmark under ‘Supplemental Documents’ in the bookmarks panel on the left.

In this section you can find results for key health indicators such as: height, BMI, blood pressure, heart rate, weight.

The Key Health Indicators secion presents the results aggregated from the different pages of the source documents in a case. The data is shown as tables and graphs (if there are at least 3 different dates for that result). Each data point appears as a dot on the graph.

Clicking on any value in the table will take you to the corresponding source document.

Color-coding of the Dots
In each graph, black dots represent different data points and are connected by a line. When two lines are shown on the graph, the dots and the lines are displayed in different colors (see example above).