Document Abstract

The document abstract is a useful tool that provides a short summary of each of the documents included in your case, similarly to using a legacy APS summary.

Navigating to the Document Abstract

The Document Abstract section appears right after the Impairments Rundown. Click on the 'Document Abstract' bookmark on the left side of the page to navigate directly to this section.


Pro Tip 1!

As the name implies, a medical document refers to an isolated encounter. The medical document can be one page long, a few pages long and many times a single page will hold multiple encounters. DigitalOwl uses Machine Learning to accurately and automatically “break” the scanned medical records into separate documents.

The Abstract section is made up of rows - each row represents one of the documents within the medical records. The documents are by default sorted in chronological order from most recent to oldest (this can be changed to oldest to most recent - please contact your CSM in order to change this configuration). Each row (encounter) in the Document Abstract has the following fields:

  • The document date (e.g. visit date, date of admission, etc.)
  • The document type (e.g. Physician Encounter, Lab Report, EKG, Mammography, Hospital Report, Imaging, Sleep Study and Other)
  • An automatically generated summary of the document
  • Clickable options to navigate to a text-to-text transcription of the encounter or to the source document


Pro Tip 2!

If DigitalOwl is able to extract the title of the document - it is used it in the “type” column, if not, the document classification our model deduced is used.



If DigitalOwl is able to extract the t


If DigitalOwl is able to extract the title of the document - it is used it in the “type” column. If not, the document classification that was deduced by the AI model will be used.



Clicking on the document date or type will navigate to the corresponding source document.