Claims Format

Uploading a case to a Business Line that has been configured for "Claims" will create a Digital Abstract in the Claims format.

Key differentiators of the Claims format include:

  • Addition of "Prepared for" with the organization name in the case details - see (1) in the image below
  • Modified case generative summary - on the top part of the Case Overview - focused on post-incident medical data - see (2) in the image below
  • Claims specific dashboard including key elements such as age at first notice of injury, occupation and hand dominance - see (3) in the image below

Findings By Body Systems section which includes:

  • A visual representation of the human body indicating body systems for which there is relevant medical history.

    • Body parts for which there are findings are colored:
      • Red - high severity
      • Orange/yellow - medium severity
      • Grey - low severity
    • A table presenting all the findings with the first date of mention for each of them and whether they started pre or post the first notice of injury.

    Initial History and Findings includes all the history and findings within a one-month period following the date of injury. This includes encounters, findings, diagnostic reports, therapeutic reports. diagnostic procedures, therapeutic procedures and medications within the one-month range.